Becoming a foster carer is an incredibly rewarding experience. Opening up your home to care for a child is a selfless act that can positively transform a young person’s life. As a foster carer, you have the power to advocate for the children in your care, ensuring their needs are met and their voices are heard. This article explores practical ways foster carers can advocate for the children living with them.

Foster Carers

Understanding the Child’s Background

To be an effective advocate, it is important to understand each child’s unique situation. Every child placed in a foster home by agencies like has their own story of how they came to be there. Some children enter care due to trauma, abuse or neglect in their family home. Others have complex special needs their families struggled to meet. There are also unaccompanied asylum-seeking children needing care. By learning about a child’s background, foster carers can better empathise and determine what additional support a child requires.

Communicating with the Foster Agency

Strong communication with the supervising social worker from the foster agency is essential for meeting each child’s needs. Social workers have extensive caseloads, so proactively reaching out ensures the needs of a child in your care are not overlooked. Being persistent and following up if issues are not promptly addressed is key to securing support services, therapies or changes to contact arrangements. Open communication ensures everyone is working collaboratively towards the child’s best interests.

Accompanying Children to Meetings

Foster children have regular meetings about their care plan, such as looked-after children (LAC) reviews. Accompanying children to meetings and participating ensures their voice is heard during decision making. Speaking up on their behalf and providing information from living with the child daily enables more informed decisions to be made. Supporting children to prepare questions ahead of time and rehearsing what they want to say can build their confidence to self-advocate during meetings.

Supporting a Child’s Cultural Identity

For children separated from their family and community, maintaining cultural connections is hugely beneficial for their wellbeing and sense of identity. Foster carers can advocate for a child’s cultural needs by proactively learning about a child’s background and working to continue cultural traditions. This might involve cooking traditional foods, celebrating meaningful events, learning some key phrases in a child’s language, or accessing community groups and services. Supporting cultural identity demonstrates to a child that their culture is valued.

Addressing Bullying

Bullying is, sadly, still commonplace for children in care and can significantly impact self-esteem and mental health. As a foster carer, being alert to signs of bullying at school or online enables swift intervention and reporting. Practical strategies like role playing responses, reporting inappropriate content or contacting parents can empower a child being bullied. Reassuring a child they have a safe and supportive home environment helps build resilience during difficult times.

The role of a devoted foster carer who advocates relentlessly for a child should not be underestimated. Although the care system has flaws, caring foster carers have the capacity to significantly improve outcomes for vulnerable children needing support. By advocating for a child’s needs, foster carers give them the nurturing foundation required to thrive.