As a parent of a toddler, getting your little one to go to sleep at a reasonable hour can be challenging. Toddlers often fight sleep and struggle with bedtime, leading to stressful evenings for the whole family. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is one of the best ways to help your toddler understand it’s time to wind down and get ready for sleep. Here are some tips for creating a bedtime routine that works.

Set a Consistent Bedtime

Bedtime Routine for a Toddler

The first step in establishing a good bedtime routine is setting a regular bedtime that you can stick to 7 days a week. Choose a time based on when you want your child to wake up in the morning, and allow enough time for them to get adequate nighttime sleep (usually 10-13 hours at this age). Setting a consistent bedtime helps regulate your toddler’s internal clock and lets them know what to expect each evening. If you are fostering a toddler with Fosterplus, be aware that they may not be used to having a consistent bedtime, so patience is key.

Create a Soothing Environment

About an hour before bedtime, start to create a calm environment to help your toddler relax. Turn down the lights, put on some soft music, or read a story together. Keep noisy toys or stimulating games put away in the hour leading up to bedtime. A soothing environment is an important part of signalling to your toddler that it will soon be time to sleep.

Follow the Same Sequence of Steps

Establishing a sequence of activities leading up to bedtime is key. Do the same 3-4 relaxing activities in the same order each night to help your toddler wind down. This could include taking a bath, reading books together, listening to soft music, or singing lullabies. Repeating this sequence each night helps your toddler understand the signal that bedtime is approaching.

Make the Bedroom Sleep Friendly

Keep your toddler’s bedroom quiet, cool, and dark – an environment that promotes sleep. Make sure the space is tidy and safe for the evening. Some parents find putting pyjamas or a sleep sack by the bed helps prompt the signal for sleep. Having a consistent sleeping environment night after night is part of a good bedtime routine.

Stick to the Routine

Consistency and commitment are key to making a bedtime routine work. That means sticking to the routine every night, even if your toddler resists or tries to delay bedtime. Do your best not to give in to requests for just one more book or one more trip to the potty. Stand firm calmly and lovingly, and eventually your little one will get used to the consistent schedule.

Be Relaxed and Patient

Your toddler will likely test the limits of your new bedtime routine at first. Remain calm and relaxed when putting your toddler to bed, even if they put up a fight. With consistent, patient repetition each evening, the new routine will start to stick. Don’t be discouraged if it takes a couple of weeks for your toddler to adjust. The payoff of better sleep is worth it!

Creating a nightly bedtime routine requires commitment and consistency from parents and foster carers. But the structure and predictability can help toddlers feel secure and settled before sleep. If you stick to the routine, your efforts will eventually pay off with a toddler who goes to bed more easily – and maybe even lets you get a little more rest as well.