Cacti and succulents are well-favored houseplants as they add a touch of a tropical look and do not require much attention. They are able to store water in their leaves, stems or roots and as such are adapted to arid conditions. Successful growing of succulents requires that one knows the basic need of the plant and ensure that the plant is well taken care of to grow well.

How to Grow Succulents

Our detailed article will provide valuable information on the proper selection of plants as well as their correct maintenance and also give basic guidelines to avoid problems when growing succulent plants.

Choosing the Right Succulents

Variety and Aesthetics

Succulents come in thousands of varieties and can be found in diverse forms, from the Echeveria type to the String of Pearls type. First of all, a person should choose the species of succulent plants to use and their growth conditions according to the climate and their own liking. Consider factors like:

  • Size and Growth Habit: There are small succulents which do not occupy much space just like Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks), others like Aeonium will grow considerable big.
  • Color and Texture: Succulents exhibit diverse colors from vivid green, different shades of purple to having different shades of colors. When choosing such colors, it is important to select the right color scheme that will be in harmony with your room.
  • Light: Most succulents are (or should be) grown under bright light but there is exception such as Zamioculcas zamiifolia commonly known as ZZ Plant.

Where to Buy

  • Local Nurseries: They have many locally formatted stocks and have several employees that are experts in the field.
  • Online Retailers: They sell many different merchandise’s and the most important one they sell their merchandise without the need of the customer to venture out.
  • Plant Support & Sharing Groups: But ask or receive advice from other lovers and share your plants.

Essential Requirements for Succulent Growth


Succulents prefer natural light conditions and in general they are found to grow well under light that is diffused, and not direct. Many of them need a full sun exposure at least 6 odd hours per day to grow and remain productive. It also should be noted that the reception of direct sunlight is not a good thing for their leaves and consider where you live if it is too hot.

  • Indoor Light: Preferably, install the bedroom in a south-facing location since it provides sufficient lighting. If the lighting conditions are poor, then grow lights have to be employed in order to enhance lighting.
  • Outdoor Light: We should put them in area where they are exposed to morning sun and afternoon shade in order not to burn.


The main reason that causes succulent to die is due to the overwatering. Such plants should be watered in moderation given that the excess water enhances root rot within the plants.

  • Irrigation: You should ensure that the soil gets a chance to dry before it is watered again. So, during winter, the plants do not require frequent watering, mainly because they are in a state of dormancy in general.
  • Watering Procedure: A common method that can be used is the ‘drenching and drying’ method where the plant is drenched with water until it comes out of the drainage hole then dried before they are watered again.
  • No Wet Leaves: Water at the base so as to preserve on formation of fungal growth on the leaves.


It is also important to avoid wet soils when planting succulents since they become prone to root rot. Bury these plants in a cactus mix or a succulent mix, or prepare this mix by incorporating equal parts of an ordinary, good potting soil, sand or perlite.

  • Commercial Mixes: These are obtainable from the garden stores or centers and are developed with pumice or coarse sand.
  • DIY Mix: Use potting soil, coarse sand and perlite or perlite at the proportion of 2:1:1.

Pots and Drainage

That is why it is recommended to select pots with drainage holes so as to facilitate the removal of extra water. Terra cotta pots are used frequently since the material enables the soil to dry out efficiently.

  • Capital: In addition to the above-mentioned clay, plastic and ceramic pots are also good but they take longer time to dry.
  • Size: The pot used should not be large to allow excess water to stagnate in the pot.

Planting and Repotting Succulents


  • Position: Having placed the pot, arrange the straw around the succulent and fill the rest of the space with the soil gently ruling out any air pockets.
  • Irrigation: If you prefer to use irrigation after planting, then light irrigation is advisable to pack the soil.


Succulents should be repotted between two or three years or else when the plant becomes is too large for the pot. Generally, the most suitable time to repot is during spring.

  • Actions: Carefully take the plant out, wash the roots if required and transfer the plant to a pot which is slightly larger in size and filled with new soil.
  • Proper care: Should not be sprayed on the fresh soft stemmed and leaved plants as it may damage the stem and foliage.

Common Problems and Solutions


  • Signs: The yellowing of the leaves, soft stems or root rot that indicate plant injury.
  • Solution: The problem can be solved by less frequent watering of the plant and making sure that the soil is draining well. In this case, you should trim off the affected areas and get the plant to stop watering the plant.


  • Symptoms: Wrinkled or shriveled leaves.
  • Solution: Although for watering frequency should be slightly increased, ensure that drainage is also adequate to avoid over compensation.


  • Signs: Blinding or somewhat brown discoloration at the center of the leaflet or blade.
  • Solution: Transplant the plant in an area that is partially shaded and then expose gradually to sunlight.

Pest Infestations

  • Signs: Risks such as mealy bugs, aphid and spider mite are some of the common pests for this plant.
  • Solution: Use insecticidal soap or neem oil. It enjoins cabinet members and all parties concerned to make frequent checks on plants and segregate the infected ones to stop further contamination.

Propagation Techniques

Succulent plants are quite easy to propagate therefore making it a fun venture to undertake as a project.

Leaf Cuttings

Preparation: Take a mature and healthy plant, and gather a single leaf and let it form a callus for three days. Placing it on the soil and then gently watering it and then put it under a propagator till it develops roots and a new plant.

Stem Cuttings

Technique: Use a healthy stem, allow it to form a callus and then transfer it to a media that has good drainage. Water sparingly until roots develop.

Offshoots (Pups)

Technique: Cut the pups off the parent plant with the help of a sharp knife or a scissor that has been disinfected. Plant them individually and let them grow to maturity and likely you will observe that birds prefer them.

Seasonal Care

Spring and Summer

  • Watering: The level of watering is to be elevated as per the plants stay fully awake in the growing stage.
  • Fertilizing: Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month.

Fall and Winter

  • Irrigation: Limit watering as much as possible to ensure that one does not promote rot during this time.
  • Fertilizing: There is no need to fertilize the lawn during the winter; wait until the following spring.

Special Considerations

Temperature and Humidity

Succulents thrive well in conditions that are hot and dry, therefore require a warm environment with low humidity levels. The impression should not be exposed to cold drafts, as well as to changes in temperature, as it can be harmed.


It is equally important to exercise some delicateness while handling the succulents since the leaves and stems of these plants are fragile. Eczema is a skin condition that is very painful, makes the skin become wet and pale, and as you pointed out do not go out into the sunshine without wearing gloves if you have sensitive skin or if you are allergic to any plant sap.

Advanced Tips for the Experienced Grower


It is not rare at all for some enthusiasts to deliberately interbreed different kinds of succulents by using process of cross pollination. It is time-consuming and accurate though it may produce plants that are lovely and unlike the others.

Creating Succulent Gardens

It is possible to grow different types of succulents together to achieve beautiful gardens. Consider factors such as color, texture, and height as some of the general physical features that they should observe to make the interior as beautiful as possible.

Artistic Displays

Succulents can also be arranged in many fascinating ways; they can be put in terrariums, in picture frames among other amazing designs. In this article, I will tell you how to utilize these different containers and how to place them so that your plants can have their needs fulfilled.


To become a good succulent grower is quite a fascinating and creative process that involves planting and growing. If you learn about the few necessities that these plants require, then, you can easily grow them as they are quite hardy plants. Succulents prove to be a perfect choice since they can be grown by novices or masters in the art of plant growing. As such, put on your gardening gloves, identify the varieties that appeal to you most, and set off on the fulfilling task of raising succulents. Happy planting!