Having a holiday could be a wonderful and exciting idea. But at the same time, it could also be a dreadful situation. Especially when you realize you have to spend it all alone at home without anything to do.

Though holiday is always associated as a day where you can be lazy all the time, it does not have to be that way. You don’t have to spend your day just sleeping, or idly scrolling down your phone. You don’t have to let your day waste away, without doing anything in particular.

Instead of being lazy, you can also spend your holiday by doing productive activities. This will help to increase your energy and inspire positive feelings around you.

Here are 5 simple ideas to help you have a wonderful holiday, even if you only have yourself to spend it with!

spend your holiday alone

Have a Date with Yourself

Want to explore a new place, but don’t have anyone to accompany you? Well no worries! You can definitely go by yourself. Explore new cafes, visit the museum, eat at the new restaurant near your place, or spend the day visiting the nearby park. You can do all of it by yourself. Do what you want to do during this break without worries. You can do all of it by yourself.

Keep in mind that spending me-time could also be a form of selfcare. Most of us spend our day just work, work, and work. In the process of it, we forget to take a break and focus on ourselves. During this me- time, you can also create a list of life goals, dreams to achieve, and other things that could help you to shape you into a better person.

Do Your Hobby

Do you have a hobby that you really like, but you just do not have time to do it? If so, you can definitely do it when you have your holiday. From gardening, journaling, swimming, fishing, or just playing games on the computer –you can do your favorite activity to help you unwind and feel more relaxed.

You can also join an activity class to spend your holiday. These new classes will help you to learn something new or connect with other people. This definitely will be a very exciting chance!


To be healthy is very important. To achieve a state of a healthy body and mind, working out regularly is the key. With our busy schedule and mountainous work load, it might be hard to find the time to work out. Therefore you can also spend your holiday productively by making time to establish an exercise routine. Not only will it help your body stay fit and healthy, exercise could also help to maintain your stress level. Double benefit!

Clean Your House

You can also spend your holiday doing some spring cleaning, and get everything in order. When you work, you might not have time to pay attention to your house. You left it dusty and unorganized because you are too tired to clean it up after working for almost nine hours.. So maybe during your vacations, you can dedicate your day to cleaning it up.

If you are not keen to spend your holiday by cleaning all of the area in your house. You can choose to focus on one particular area or simple activity. For example, you can start to declutter your desk first and throw all of the unnecessary stuff in the garbage.


During your holiday, you can also spend it to share with others who need a lending hand. You can join as a volunteer in a shelter, hospital, or other place. By being involved in volunteering activities, not only will it connect you with other people, but it will also help you to learn something new.

Enrich Your Knowledge by Reading a Book

Knowledge is power. And where you can get it –is through a good book. Reading is a powerful tool that could help you to feel relaxed. At the same time, it also has many great benefits because it keeps the brain active. Reading will increase memory, knowledge retention, focus, and concentration. By doing reading during your holiday, it will help you to freshen and improve your brain.