Software programmers must upgrade their skills for software development. The world of software development has evolved dramatically over the last decade. In the past, we built applications with traditional languages such as C++ and Java and then deployed them on physical hardware in a single location (known as “vertical scaling”). Today’s solutions are more complex than ever before. They’re built using container technology (such as Docker), cloud services (such as AWS), microservice architectures, and more—all while providing a seamless user experience across multiple platforms (desktop, mobile web, or app).

5 Key Skills Required for Software Development

software development

As a software engineer, you should refer below high-in-demand skills for successful software development and career boost. Software developers can become more proficient by gaining knowledge of new technologies and skills, it will help them to get better job opportunities.

1. Containers/Docker

The containerization revolution is well underway, and it’s changing the way we use virtual machines. The main difference between virtual machines and containers is that instead of creating an entire operating system for each, you can use a much lighter-weight skeleton with only what you need to run your application. This makes containers much more efficient than virtual machines; they’re also easier to manage and have fewer security vulnerabilities.

Learning a new technology can be overwhelming, especially regarding containers. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you out. The Docker documentation is your best starting point, as it will give you a broad overview of what containers are and how they work while also providing guides for setting up your first containerized applications. The container registry by JFrog is another good resource, as it will give you the tools to store your containerized applications in a central repository so that other users can download them and run them on their systems.

2. Cloud Computing

As a software engineer, you should be familiar with cloud computing. Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of shared pools of configurable resources via a network (e.g., the Internet), typically using pay-as-you-go pricing. This highly sought-after skill today will help you succeed in your career as it allows businesses to save money and time while providing greater security and flexibility.

3. DevOps

DevOps is the combination of development and operations that aims to bring together both parties in an organization to work on a common goal: creating a product that meets your customers’ needs.

As a software developer, you’ll have to learn how to translate your ideas into code and ensure that your product works appropriately when put into production. You will also have to understand how different teams work together, be able to communicate with other developers across departments and collaborate on projects with others who might not have the same technical skills as you do.

With all these responsibilities come great opportunities for growth (and salary). According to US News & World Report’s list of top 100 jobs for 2020, “Software Developers – Applications” are expected to grow by 5% annually over two years. This means more jobs are available for people who know how best to deploy their applications into production environments while maintaining high-quality standards. Knowledge about DevOps processes gives professionals valuable experience working across organizational boundaries and within them; it also shows companies that they have initiative beyond just creating new products and managing existing ones.

4. Microservices

Microservices are software development techniques that break up larger applications into more minor, independent services. This allows teams to work on different application parts simultaneously and makes updating or replacing individual pieces easier. Microservices are also a crucial part of the microservice architecture (MSA), which is an approach to building distributed systems that emphasizes decomposition into independent, loosely coupled services.

If you aim to progress your career in software development, you’re going to need to understand microservices and the MSA approach.

5. Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a type of program design that uses objects to create applications and encapsulate data and operations. Object-oriented programming languages are designed around the concept of classes and objects. A class is an abstract definition of a data set and the operations that can be applied to that data. An object represents an instance (or occurrence) of a class.

For example, let’s say we want to write some code to calculate the average car weight in each state. One way we could do this would be by creating one enormous array full of car weights and then figuring out what each entry in our array means when it’s time to display averages across different states.

A second way would be using an OOP approach: Instead of using one big array full of car weights, we’d create separate arrays for each state containing only those cars from that state—and then make sure each state knew how to add up its weight total before displaying any totals at all!


We’ve given you a few more skills to add to your repertoire. They may not all be directly related to software development, but they’re still essential for anyone wanting a successful career in this field. So if you want to get ahead of the curve and keep up with technological advances, consider adding some of these skills to your toolbox!