Be it a small industry or a million dollar company, the databases from all of them needs a maintaining body at all the hours of the day, year, or month. Also, since the advent of cloud hosting, all the worries related to the storage maintenance and hardware maintenance have been sorted out a little bit.

Cloud storage is something that is been craved by all the industry owners from the time it stepped into the market. After seeing such demand and popularity, so many of the cloud hosting providers came up with amazing offers on scalable cloud hosting services. Very soon, big players in the cloud hosting market started targeting small businesses like start-ups and all as well. The start-ups are companies that are already in their incubation period and need a support system to sustain in such a competitive market.

Larger IT organizations began to purchase or subscribe to cloud server hosting services to play a major role and deviating the maximum traffic. Around 2000-2005 the web hosting services prices started to decline due to the increase in the number of cloud hosting providers and development in the types of cloud hosting.

The start-up companies took it as an opportunity to rise above and can expect greater returns without even investing much in the technology. The idea of shared hosting services came into the picture with a completely new idea and services. With such an affordable pricing range and scalability to grow, shared hosting service became everyone’s favourite. This gave more ray of hopes for start-ups to share services while being on the same platform with others and keeping their finances as low as possible.

The demand and supply rate of hosting services started to dwell in no time and which was not at all surprising for the hosting providers. But the number of competitors in the hosting market rose dramatically to fulfil the ever-increasing demand which is now going to become zillion dollar industry soon.

Miracle of cloud infrastructure to the start-ups

When anyone is into building a start-up, people come together to work over the same idea from various part of the world. Meanwhile, these start-ups must have a solid back-up to keep all of them connected. But in the process of keeping them connected they cannot cross the boundaries of their budget. Major percentage of the start-ups have to face some or the other monetary problems. But with the help of cloud infrastructure, members are kept coordinated and connected each and every second.

Start-ups have three options to choose from-

  • Public cloud
  • Private cloud
  • Hybrid cloud

Although most of the start-ups opt for public cloud as it is more economical as well as flexible. Not only the type of cloud hosting, they have options in the kind of service model of cloud computing

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
  • Server less computing

Idea of a start-up is always a risky business. According to the statistics, only 5% of the start-ups survive in the market or see success. Each and every party involved i.e. founder, investor, customer and partner are responsible for its success rate. But if acted upon smartly then all of these risks can be avoided. Assumptions to anything might lead you and your start-up into a pit fall.

Here are the sure shot problems that are faced by any start-up-

  • Lack of budget
  • Team location
  • Team instability

Cloud infrastructure has the solution for all. The professional arrangement and the swiftness of cloud computing infrastructure keep the business of your start-up running 24 cross 7. This is because none of the other technology can guarantee such reduced operational cost along with improved productivity.

Benefits of scalable cloud hosting

Reduced costs

The major attraction of cloud computing services that it does not ask for much of an investment as compared to the services it provides. The easy-to use model of any cloud infrastructure works on pay-per-use model. This will help your start-up to invest in actual business and will keep you on the growing side of the graph always. Hence cloud infrastructure is extremely affordable and of the simplest use.

Data protection

Most of the cloud hosting service providers come up with very staunch data protection technology. Protection of data is as crucial for any start-up as is making monetary benefits. Any start-up can earn major customers or clients on the basis of providing world-class secured environment. Cloud infrastructure has always been known to provide consolidated and data protected service. The data bases are located on reliable servers and updated through time-to-time backing up.

Fast growth

Cloud computing brings speed in the growth of your business and cut a major amount of time that was been wasted before in arranging the resources. When you are getting all the resources been provisioned over a single platform then why to wander here and there. Also one might threaten the security factor of its business module by scattering its assets. But not to worry when there is cloud computing at your rescue.

World-class scalability

Scalability is something that your start-up will enjoy during the whole course of the journey. The cloud model is so flexible that you won’t be charged for any extra service that is of no use to you. Also at any stage of your start-up you can scale up with the storage space or bandwidth requirements. The network of cloud protects your start-up from all the possible by configuring auto-scaling feature. The best part of cloud infrastructure is that one can any time grow or shrink depending on the kind of workload.

Ubiquity in accessibility

The magic of cloud computing lies in its reach and global accessibility feature. The projects are easy to run and from anywhere. Also one can access your application or software from any operating system or device.

So, what are you waiting for? Gear up with your start-up idea and pump it up with scalable cloud hosting service.