Jobs-to-be-done is a methodology that has become popular over a few years. In simple terms, the JTBD framework can be defined as a framework that helps brands to figure out what their customers are exactly looking for and develop products that would get their job done.

The JTBD framework can also be described as a perspective through which you can observe the targeted markets, customers, competitors, and customer segments differently, and doing this will help you to make innovations more predictable leading to an increase in the profit of your business. It acts as a powerful tool that can help businesses to better understand their clients and develop more effective products. We can also say that this JTBD framework acts as the best marketing strategy of today’s date.

What is a Jobs-To-Be-Done?


The jobs-to-be-done framework is a theory of consumer action. It defines the mechanism that enables the consumers to adopt an innovation. The jobs-to-be-done theory states that customers purchase products to get a job done, and the market evolves and renews according to the preferences of the customers. The major highlight of this jobs-to-be-done framework is that it easily describes how the needs of the customers change according to the jobs to be done.

Now, you are already aware of the definition of JTBD. So, it is time to explore what a job to be done means. We can say job-to-be-done framework as:

  • Something which a customer wishes to purchase in a specific situation or circumstances.
  • The JTBD framework is a metaphor that can be used to describe exactly what customers want from the products that they have purchased.
  • A job to be done can be defined as something which is functional in the life of a consumer and it includes social and emotional components.

How Does Jobs-To-Be-Done Work?

The JTBD framework operates by analyzing and understanding the major motives behind why customers are purchasing products and services. Brands need to understand the jobs that the customers want to get done and develop products and services to cover those requirements quickly.

There are three major steps to the jobs-to-be-done framework process.

1. Identify the job of customers

The first step that comes in this process is to figure out the jobs that customers are trying to get done with your products. This step of the framework process includes understanding the motives of the clients, their motivations, and what are the outcomes that they are wishing for.

2. Form a job map

As soon as you are able to identify the job to be done, the next step would be to develop a proper job map. The job map is nothing but a visual representation of the journey of the client which involves everything that is needed to get the job done. This stage covers it all starting from the emotions of the customers involved in this process to different touchpoints that they have with the product.

3. Develop the final product

This is the final step of the process. It involves the manufacturing of the product to meet the client’s requirements. This process is all about building a solution that enables the customers to get the job done effectively and efficiently.

What is the Importance of The Jobs-To-Be-Done Framework?

The JTBD framework can be important for a business in various ways. Some of them are:

  • The jobs-to-be-done framework uncovers the true requirements of your customers. It enables you to know what your customers expect from your products. It will help the brand to realize what is the desired outcome according to the customers for a given situation.
  • This methodology helps businesses to fulfill the requirements of their customers and provide them with ultimate satisfaction.
  • When you manufacture products keeping in mind why customers need them, it helps to create memorable customer experiences and convert your customers into brand loyalists with time.
  • A JTBD framework helps you to predict how your innovations will act in the targeted markets.
  • This framework acts as a way of informing marketing content and messaging which is taken in action to fulfill the desires and requirements of the customers.
  • The jobs-to-be-done methodology acts as a way that motivates customers to invest in your business.
  • It helps a business to be customer-centric. All you need to do is come into a mutual understanding with your team to figure out what customers are expecting from your brand.

How to Identify Jobs-To-Be-Done in Your Business?

The jobs-to-be-done framework can be applied in any type of business. But, you need to know the correct steps to find out more about your targeted customers and what jobs your products can do for them.

1. Identify the needs of the customers that are still unmet

As a business owner, there are some questions that you must be asking yourself to figure out the needs of your customers.

  • What are the pain points that all your customers have in common?
  • What are they looking for in today’s date?
  • What are the challenges that your customers often face?

While you think and analyze such questions, you will be able to figure out all the unmet requirements of the customers.

2. Determine customers desired outcomes

How will you determine the desired outcomes of your customers? For that, you will have to put yourself in the shoes of the customers and try thinking like them. There are different ways through which you can determine the outcomes that your customers are looking for.

Let us understand this better with an example. Forget about the products that your brand manufactures for the time being and try to complete the phrases given below as a customer.

  • Help me do ______
  • I need to _______
  • How can I avoid _______

For example, I need to get more clothes when I am traveling. This would uncover your desires and it could lead to product development ideas such as a reminder app that helps you to set reminders from time to time. As a brand owner, you can ask your customers to complete such phrases. This will enable you to collect a wide range of jobs-to-be-done insights and think accordingly. Once you can determine the desired outcomes of your customers, you will be able to develop products to better meet their requirements.

3. Answer all the major jobs-to-be-done questions

There are a few JTBD questions that you must be able to answer and it will enable you to identify the jobs to be done for your products and services.

  • What are the needs of the customers in a specific event?
  • What are the elements that will help the customers to achieve their desired outcomes?
  • What are the restrictions that are preventing the customers from achieving their desired results or outcomes?
  • What are the various functional aspects of the jobs to be done? What will help the customers to perform a task more efficiently and effectively?
  • Are there any social and emotional factors that correspond to the objectives of your customers?

4. Develop a jobs-to-be-done statement

Another important thing that you must do is craft a proper jobs-to-be-done statement. This will help you to come up with more and more product innovations.

Prepare a list that includes a jobs-to-be-done template and statement example. This will help you to understand the desires of your customers and come up with better product ideas.

What are the Advantages of Jobs-To-Be-Done?

There is a wide range of advantages that the jobs-to-be-done framework offers to businesses. Some of the major benefits that you can achieve from this jobs-to-be-done methodology are:

1. Increasing customer satisfaction

The jobs-to-be-done framework enables a business to know about the desires of the customers. And by knowing about the desires of the customers the brands can create better products which would result in the ultimate level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, if the customers are satisfied with your products, they will continue using them and will also promote your brand to other people.

2. Reduce the development time of the products

When you come to know the priorities of your customers, you will know how to exactly build your products. This will lead to a reduction in the time of manufacturing as you will know what features must be implemented to have the biggest impact on the satisfaction level of the customers.

Reducing the product development time will also lead to a reduction in production costs as you will be able to determine the features that are not important and remove them.

3. Improvement in product-market fit

The jobs-to-be-done methodology enables you to understand the major goals that customers are trying to achieve. Once you are aware of the major goals, you will be able to determine how to exactly develop your products that will fit into the market in a better way to grab the attention of more and more people. This will eventually lead to a boost in your market share.

Better user experience: Customers are the key element of any business. Once you are aware of what your customers are trying to achieve through your products and services, you can think of more and more innovative ideas to improve the design of these products to provide your customers with a much better experience. You should also know that a better user experience will convert your customers into brand loyalists over time.


The jobs-to-be-done framework is a concept that has gained a lot of popularity and has even created much more controversy among businesses but for a good reason. Jobs-to-be-done supports more and more innovation by making businesses realize why and how customers decide to purchase a product or service. This methodology enables businesses to provide better and value-adding solutions. The best part about this framework is that it enables a business to understand how demand for a product is created. By implementing the jobs-to-be-done framework, a business can redefine itself.