Python IDEs and code editors can make your development process much easier.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​used in machine learning, web development, data science, and many other fields. To write code efficiently and effectively, you need a Python IDE that can assist you with code editing, debugging, testing, and deployment.

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language, and one of the best ways to work with it is through an IDE or Code Editor. There are many great options available for developers, ranging from full-featured Python IDEs such as PyCharm and Visual Studio Code to lightweight editors like Atom and Sublime Text. All Python IDEs and code editors offer unique features that make them ideal for a wide variety of development needs; Whether you’re looking for autocomplete support, debugging tools, or just need something simple yet effective – this is sure to be a perfect fit!

Top 10 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors


There are many Python IDEs and code editors available, each providing different features and functionality. Each has its own strengths that fit certain types of developers better than others depending on their needs so it’s important to find out which one works best for you before making any decisions about which one to use.

1. PyCharm

PyCharm is one of the most popular Python IDEs and is used by many developers worldwide. It provides advanced features like code analysis, code completion, and code debugging. PyCharm also supports many frameworks like Django, Flask, Pyramid, and more. PyCharm provides a wide range of features for developers to write and debug Python code, including code completion, debugging tools, syntax highlighting, code formatting, and more. It supports various versions of Python and provides compatibility with many popular Python libraries. PyCharm is a powerful and feature-rich IDE for Python that can help improve your productivity and streamline your development workflow.

Some of the key features of PyCharm include

  • Code completion and error highlighting: PyCharm offers code completion suggestions and highlights potential errors in real-time as you write code.
  • Debugger: PyCharm provides a built-in debugger that allows you to debug your code line by line and find and fix issues quickly.

2. Spyder

Spyder is an open-source Python IDE designed for scientific computing and data analysis. It includes many powerful features like a code editor, a debugger, a variable explorer, and an interactive console. Spyder also supports many popular data science libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Spyder is another popular integrated development environment (IDE) for Python that is specifically designed for scientific computing and data analysis. It is an open-source IDE developed by the Spyder Project and is written in Python itself. It is specifically designed for scientific computing and data analysis. If you are working on a project that involves scientific computing or data analysis, Spyder can be an excellent choice for you.

Some of the key features of Spyder include

  • Interactive console: Spyder provides an interactive console that allows you to execute Python code line by line and get immediate feedback.
  • Code completion and debugging: Spyder offers code completion suggestions and real-time debugging tools to help you find and fix issues quickly.

3. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and customizable IDE that supports many programming languages, including Python. It includes features like code completion, debugging, and Git integration. Visual Studio Code also has a large library of extensions that you can use to enhance your productivity. It is powerful source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight and cross-platform IDE that provides support for many programming languages, including Python. Visual Studio Code is a versatile and powerful IDE that can be an excellent choice for Python developers. Its support for IntelliSense, debugging, extensions, and Git integration make it a popular choice for Python developers.

Some of the key features of Visual Studio Code for Python include

  • IntelliSense: VS Code offers IntelliSense, which provides code completion suggestions, code snippets, and parameter hints as you type.
  • Debugging: VS Code provides a built-in debugger that allows you to debug your Python code in real-time and find and fix issues quickly.

4. Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Jupyter is web-based interactive computing environment that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It is a popular choice for data analysis, machine learning, and scientific computing, and supports many programming languages including Python. It is widely used for data science and machine learning projects and supports many programming languages, including Python.

Some of the key features of Jupyter Notebook for Python include

  • Interactive computing: Jupyter Notebook allows you to write and execute Python code interactively, which means you can see the output of your code immediately as you write it.
  • Data visualization: Jupyter Notebook provides built-in support for data visualization using libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn, which allows you to create interactive charts and graphs.

5. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a fast and lightweight text editor that is highly customizable and supports many programming languages, including Python. It includes many powerful features like multiple cursors, a distraction-free mode, and a powerful search and replace functionality. I is also a popular source code editor that is lightweight, cross-platform, and highly customizable. Although it is not a full-fledged IDE, it offers many features that make it an excellent choice for Python development. Its support for syntax highlighting, multiple selection and editing, snippets and macros, Git integration, and easy customization make it a popular choice for Python developers who value speed, flexibility, and ease of use.

Some of the key features of Sublime Text for Python include

  • Syntax highlighting and code completion: Sublime Text offers syntax highlighting and code completion for Python, making it easier to write and read Python code.
  • Multiple selection and editing: Sublime Text allows you to select and edit multiple lines of code simultaneously, which can save a lot of time and effort when working with large codebases.

6. Atom

Atom is another popular text editor that is highly customizable and supports many programming languages, including Python. It includes features like code completion, a file system browser, and a package manager. Atom also has a large library of extensions that you can use to enhance your productivity. it is not specifically designed for Python development, it offers many features and packages that make it a popular choice for Python developers. Atom is an extensible editor that can be an excellent choice for Python development. Its support for syntax highlighting and autocomplete, integration with Python libraries, code folding and multi-cursor editing, Git integration, and package and plugin system make it a popular choice for Python developers.

Some of the key features of Atom for Python include

  • Syntax highlighting and autocomplete: Atom offers syntax highlighting and autocomplete for Python, which makes it easier to write and read Python code.
  • Integration with Python libraries: Atom integrates with popular Python libraries like NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib, making it an excellent choice for scientific computing and data analysis.


IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is the official IDE for Python programming language. It is included with the standard Python distribution and provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for Python development.. IDLE is a simple and lightweight Python IDE that comes bundled with Python. It includes features like a code editor, a debugger, and a shell. IDLE is a good choice for beginners who are just starting to learn Python.

Some of the key features of IDLE for Python include

  • Python shell: IDLE provides an interactive Python shell, which allows you to test and run Python code without having to write a complete script.
  • Code highlighting and debugging: IDLE offers syntax highlighting and debugging features, which can help you catch errors in your code and troubleshoot issues.

8. Wing IDE

Wing IDE is a powerful and feature-rich Python IDE that includes many advanced features like code completion, code analysis, and debugging. Wing IDE also includes a powerful interactive debugger that can help you troubleshoot your code quickly.  It offers a range of features and tools to help developers write, test, and debug Python code. Wing IDE is a powerful and flexible IDE that is an excellent choice for experienced Python developers who require advanced debugging, code analysis, and version control features. Its support for auto-completion, a customizable interface, and cross-platform compatibility make it a popular choice among Python developers. However, it is a commercial product, so it may not be the best choice for developers on a tight budget.

Some of the key features of Wing IDE for Python include

  • Code analysis: Wing IDE includes a powerful code analysis engine that provides code warnings, style suggestions, and other feedback as you write code.
  • Debugging: Wing IDE offers advanced debugging features, including a graphical debugger that lets you step through code and examine variables in real-time.

9. Eric Python IDE

Eric Python IDE is an open-source Python IDE that includes many advanced features like code completion, debugging, and refactoring. It also includes many powerful tools like a class browser, a call tree, and a project manager. It offers a range of features and tools to help developers write, test, and debug Python code. Eric is a powerful and flexible IDE that is an excellent choice for Python developers who require advanced debugging, project management, and version control features. Its support for code highlighting and completion, a customizable interface, and cross-platform compatibility make it a popular choice among Python developers. And being open-source, it is a good choice for developers on a tight budget.

Some of the key features of Eric for Python include

  • Code highlighting and completion: Eric provides syntax highlighting and intelligent code completion, which can save time and reduce errors when writing code.
  • Debugging: Eric offers a built-in debugger with support for setting breakpoints, stepping through code, and examining variables.

10. Thonny

Thonny is a simple and beginner-friendly Python IDE that is designed for education. It includes features like a code editor, a debugger, and a simple interface that is easy to use. Thonny also includes many tutorials and examples that can help you learn Python quickly.  It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface that can help new programmers learn Python programming concepts and develop basic Python programs. Thonny is a great choice for beginners who are learning Python programming. Its support for Python shell, code highlighting and completion, debugger, and Python tutor integration make it a popular choice among educators and students alike. However, its simplicity may make it less suitable for more experienced developers who require advanced features.

Some of the key features of Thonny for Python include

  • Python shell: Thonny provides an interactive Python shell, which allows you to test and run Python code without having to write a complete script.
  • Code highlighting and completion: Thonny offers syntax highlighting and intelligent code completion, which can help you write code faster and with fewer errors.


Choosing the right Python IDE can greatly enhance your productivity and make your development process more efficient. The above-mentioned IDEs are some of the best Python IDEs and code editors, each one of them has its own unique features and benefits. Depending on your needs and requirements, you can choose the one that suits you best.