Every business owner or manager does this; they think an online timecard system will magically solve all of their workplace problems once it’s implemented. While employee time clock software is an excellent addition to any business, you need to maintain realistic expectations when it comes to its usage.

This article will look at some of the most common expectations management has when it comes to using employee time clock software and the somewhat harsh realities they must face.

Expectation: Employee work hours will be 100% accurate all the time.

One of the main reasons a business decides to implement employee time clock software is to make the time tracking process more accurate. They often believe, and rightfully so, that employee work hours will be 100% precise day in and day out.

Reality: Work hours are accurate most of the time if employees are educated on using the system properly.

The reality is, employee work hours will only be accurate if employees are properly using the time clock software. If the software you choose is difficult to use and doesn’t have a user-friendly interface, employees won’t enjoy using it and will be more apprehensive when it comes to tracking their time accurately.

Expectation: Your profits will skyrocket.

There is no doubt that online time clock software can have a significant impact on your operational costs. However, reduced costs may not come in the way that you typically expect. Most business owners or managers anticipate that solely using employee time clock software can increase productivity, which would increase profits, but that is not always the case.

Reality: Your profits may not be significantly improved, but your labor costs will be drastically reduced.

The reality is, by using a time tracking system, you can make your time tracking process more streamlined and efficient. You can schedule employees solely based on demand and ensure they remain on task to meet project or task deadlines. This results in reduced labor costs for your business both in the short and long term.

Expectation: Workers will love and embrace the employee time clock immediately.

This is a pretty common expectation and one that can negatively impact your time tracking process. Employees are always hesitant about implementing new software in the workplace. Most people are creatures of habit, and any new tool can be intimidating and cause for concern. While you, as a business owner, may be excited about implementing employee time clock software, your workers may be apprehensive.

Reality: There will be pushback from employees at first, but once they understand how it can benefit them, they will more readily adopt the solution.

Once you’ve implemented your employee time clock software, you will notice an immediate pushback from employees. However, you can get ahead of this issue by introducing the solution to your workers incrementally.

You should test with employees and get feedback to understand potential pain points and adjust your rollout plan accordingly. Be sure to emphasize to your workers how new online timesheet software can make their lives better by getting paid accurately for their hours worked and allowing them to have more accountability over their own time.

Expectation: Payroll processing will be flawless.

Ensuring accurate payroll is another significant reason that a business will invest in employee time clock software. They understand that there is an inherent issue with processing payroll manually, leading to inaccurate paychecks and potential legal problems. So they turn to time clock solutions, thinking it can solve all of their payroll processing issues.

Reality: Time clock software can significantly reduce payroll errors, but it doesn’t mean they can’t still occur.

Even though employee time clock software can significantly reduce payroll errors, they can still occur. For example, an employee might forget to punch out on time resulting in more work hours. This information has been sent over to your payroll provider, and payroll is processed based on those hours. However, that payroll was technically incorrect because the wrong work hours were captured.

The good thing is that with employee work tracking software, you have a chance to review work hours before payroll processing. Managers can check work hours for their specific team members, or you can have an individual solely dedicated to ensuring work hours are accurate. Either way, this method will still be far more efficient than manually processing payroll.

Employee time clock software isn’t a magic tool that will entirely resolve every single problem. However, it can take a traditionally manual and inefficient process and turn it into a more streamlined and accurate one.