Integrate Google’s Business Messages for better customer experience, it makes customer engagement easy by sending messages directly to customers.

As a marketer, lead conversion is my holy grail. Guiding a lead to become a paying customer is a big deal, regardless of how popular is my brand or how awesome is my product. Inspecting lead drop-off in the conversion cycle is how I learned about Murphy’s law – ‘leads will drop off in any given situation if you give them a chance.

How do we mitigate those chances? One of the most effective ways of reducing drop-offs is fastening the lead conversion process. Simply put – if you are fast, you can convert more.

Digital conversations have taken center stage. Most of the conversations that drive conversions rely on digital options like live chat empowers businesses to gain a 48% rise in revenue per chat hour along with a 40% improvement in conversion rate. Interestingly, the need for conversion rate is insatiable and when usual live chat is available on most websites, there is a need to look for options that can better it.

Where Live Chat Option Delays Lead Conversion

Think of the traditional customer journey for conversion over chat:

  1. The user searches your brand on Google
  2. The user sees your website link probably along with some ads of your competitors
  3. The user visits your website and looks for product/solution information
  4. The user starts the chat with your agent

That a lot of time. Moreover, think of the drop-off possibilities here:

  • If the user clicks on the competitor’s and doesn’t visit your website
  • If the user wanders off on your website unable to find what they are looking for
  • The chat tool has too compatible with the mobile device of the user
  • Anytime the user leaves your website, the chat will disconnect

So, how can you shorten this customer journey, reduce drop-off chances for the customer, and drive more customers? I believe Google’s Business Messages is answers that question quite well.

What is Google Business Messages?

Business Messages is a mobile chat channel by Google that offers customers the choice to initiate conversation from Google Search, Google Maps, and brand websites. It supports a rich media experience while allowing asynchronous messaging. It implies that your potential customers can reach you directly from their mobile search results even before visiting your website.

Google Business Messages

How Does Google Business Messages Fasten Your Lead Conversion?

In the simplest terms, we can say that Business Messages enables you to shorten the customer journey and address most of the drop-off possibilities we discussed earlier in this blog. Have a look at these details:

Conversations start even before the user visits your website

Mobile users are impatient. Google’s research suggests that websites that take more than 3 seconds to load, lose 53% of the visitors. It’s a commonly knows stat among digital marketers, yet for various functionalities and features on the website, most of us struggle to deliver a website that will load so fast.

Giving an option for the visitors to start a conversation right from the search results gives, which otherwise would have been possible after a series of steps followed by the customer on the website. Not only your customer’s journey is faster, it also allows you to make up for the possible struggle of customers abandoning because of the load time.

It has BOT you covered

Unless the allocation of your resources in the customer support team has managed the ideal level, there will be some waiting period for the customers. And, it is clear as the day that no customer likes being kept on wait. Google’s Business Messages allow you to create a better customer experience with the integration of bots as well as the human agent.

Like most of Google’s tools, Business Messages is also easy to use and implement. You can easily develop automated responses for common queries to keep the customer engaged even when the agent is not available. Moreover, by answering usual queries you save the agents’ effort while enhancing the customer experience.

Innovative follow-up potential

While most of the other solutions leave you almost no scope for follow up, Google’s Business Messages enable you to reach out to the customer on the same chat. All this works without the customer having to install a new app.

Assume a situation where a customer asked for a particular product, which wasn’t available in the stock at that time. Instead of losing the customer, you can reach them in the next 30 days whenever the product is back in stock. Moreover, you can also share the suggested products based on the previous interactions of the customers. With the availability of rich media snippets, you can further enhance their experience and customer service experience.

Final Note

Another key benefit of adopting Business Messages is that can reduce the call volume for you that comes from Google searches. As the calls are comparatively more intensive to handle and harder to attend using the bots, the chat option with Google Business Messages gives you the liberty to serve the customers better while reducing stress among your representatives.

Being confined only to mobile is probably the only con that Business Messages has, and brands that drive a large volume of conversions from desktop devices might be reluctant in making the quick switch. Hopefully, Google will find a way around it. Otherwise, it’s a great addition for brands, in the B2C segment, to boost their conversions and customer service experience.