Cleaning your room can be difficult at times and consume quality time. Therefore, it is necessary that you learn how to clean your room fast like a pro.

Follow our guide to prepare an organized approach for cleaning your room. These basic steps can help you in a quick room makeover.

Steps to Clean Your Room Fast

Remember, the necessary items to clean your room include a duster, vacuum, mop, air freshener, and bin. You can find all these items in a departmental store. It is better if you use online discount codes from such stores and keep these items at home without spending a fortune.

We have divided the room cleaning approach into three major parts. Work on each part well and follow all steps carefully.

Part 01 – Do the Important Tasks

Step 01 – Turn on Music

Music works as an ideal distraction while you are performing heavy chores. It will help you work faster and make the time go quicker. Keep in mind, the music must entertain you.

Step 02 – Open the Windows

Open the curtains to make room for light and embrace your energy. It will help you see everything clearly and remove impurities from the room. Now, make your bed within five minutes.

Step 03 – Throw Away Garbage

Start collecting all the garbage from your room in a trashcan. You can also throw this pile of trash into your kitchen’s dustbin. Understand that garbage is visible and you must not waste much time to discard it.

Step 04 – Clean Your Clothes

Separate dirty and clean clothes in your room. Put the dirty ones in a bin or throw them in the dryer. Hang or fold the clean clothes in your wardrobe. Further, if you have footwear, jewellery, and clothing accessories in wrong places, quickly throw these in your closet too.

Step 05 – De-Clutter Your Room

After getting rid from clothing, and relatable accessories, start cleaning the clutter in your room. Remove dirty dishes instantly and keep them in the kitchen. Put the wrong items in their right places. Keep stationary and electronics in the places they belong too. Make sure to swipe away unnecessary items from your bed and dresser too.

Part 02 – Clean Your Room like a Pro

Step 01 – Remove Dust from the Furniture

Dusting is necessary when you clean your room. Do not waste much time and swipe away dust from the tops of all furniture pieces. You can get a wet cloth or a towel with a cleaning solution to wipe away dirt, grime, grease, and dust.

Step 02 – Shake Small Rugs

Cleaning and brushing is not enough for rugs. It is better if you shake them hardly and hang them outside if possible. Small rugs clean quickly therefore, try to do this before you turn on the vacuum.

Step 03 – Turn on the Vacuum

Now is the time to clean all the edges and corners of your room. Try to vacuum under your bed, on the bed, curtains, carpet, and wherever possible. In case you have a hard floor, use a mop to clean further. Now, let the rugs in your room again and vacuum it too.

Step 04 – Add Some Fragrance

While opening windows has added fresh air to your room, wait for any smells to travel outside. Now, spray your room with a good air freshener. If you have any dirty laundry, get rid from it if you have time or keep the dryer closed until weekend.

Step 05 – Keep Things in Place

When dusting and vacuuming, make sure to keep things in their places. Maintain any piles of papers or stationery when you clean the drawers. It will help you in cleaning quicker next time. Further, if you find any trash in any corners, make sure to discard it in the first attempt.

Part 03 – Stay Motivated

Step 01 – Redecorate Your Room

Now, if you have time left and music has boosted energy, it is time to reorganize your room. It will inspire you and bring attraction in your room. From small furniture pieces to the bed, move everything you can. Set your room as per your mood and enjoy the fresh look.

Step 02 – Start with Hard Tasks

Keep in mind, sometimes you cannot get over with cleaning some objects in your room. To prevent this trouble, start by cleaning the hardest object first. It will save further time and motivate you in doing the easier things later.

Step 03 – Call over a Friend

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Henceforth, ask a friend to come over and help you clean. Think of a friend who is a master in cleaning and organization. You will enjoy doing the task and have a helping hand too.

Remember One Thing

If your room is extremely dirty and it is not possible to clean it fast, stay motivated no matter what. Divide your room in parts and start with one section.

Follow these steps for every step while turning on the music. It may take a day or two to get rid from this dirty room. Nevertheless, a clean room will look fantastic in the end.