Corporate event is a chance to showcase your products and services to a wider audience. This has the potential to bring new customers to your company and opens up a wide range of opportunities within the market. However, you won’t be the only company competing for a slice of the pie. These events bring organizations from far and wide, and some may present a similar offering to your business model.

So, how do you stand out in the corporate event? Take a look at these handy tips to boost your impact at corporate events.

Make a good impression

The first thing people see at an event is your stand. This setup is vital for creating an excellent first impression, and it should be approachable to the audience. The event organizer will inform you of the requirements of a stand, so it’s also essential to follow these. For example, your area should be presentable and clean, and free from clutter or anything that distracts from your branding.

Make your branding stand out

Your branding should be prominent as soon as customers approach the area. However, it’s important that it also does not overwhelm the messaging. To get the right branding and consistency throughout the event, speak to experts such as Anthem Branding for top advice. By following a plan that includes everything from signage to merchandise, you’ll have a clear and consistent message running throughout.

Display your products and services clearly

Most event spaces provide a small space to demonstrate your products and services, so ensure you only have what you need on your stand. Display the features you’re looking to promote and talk about the most, and let the props guide this conversation. If you have too much going on, there is more distraction away from the primary marketing activity.

Be courteous and welcoming

Of course, it is no surprise that everyone on the stand should be polite to potential customers. However, it’s natural to feel nervous, which can sometimes come across in the wrong way. Before you open for the day, practice greeting people and chatting about the product or service. It will help focus your mind on the task at hand, so everything else comes naturally. Always make people feel comfortable and ensure you present an approachable demeanor.

Play music

While corporate events can be noisy, that doesn’t stop you from playing some music in the background. This music should represent the tone of your brand and how you want people to feel. The mood set in this area also helps to attract people into your space. However, it’s essential not to infringe on the general vibe of the event and always ask the organizers if music is allowed.

Give out marketing materials and merchandise

A great way to encourage conversations is to offer customers information material and a little takeaway from the event. Think about handy things people can use, such as key rings, water bottles, and pens. These items will have your branding emblazoned on them to spark contact after the event.