Organisations across all industries deal with an enormous amount of data every day, and as a result, the data analytics market is booming. Business organisations globally are increasingly dependent on data, especially for making crucial business decisions, creating a massive demand for data analytics professionals. These professionals must be versed in the knowledge and skills needed to interpret, analyse, and present data in a structured, concise, impactful, and efficient manner. Although many professionals find it daunting to go back to college to earn a degree, research shows that obtaining a master’s degree can be a great investment for advancing their careers.

data analytics

Similarly, an MSc Data Analytics programme can increase earning potential while offering new opportunities to expand the professional network, ultimately leading to career growth. For a data analyst, the benefits of earning an MSc in data analytics are even more substantial. Read ahead to find out how an MSc in Data analytics is a good investment for the future. To put that into perspective, we have listed the benefits of pursuing an MSc as a good investment for the future.

Builds advanced skills and offers hands-on experience

Employers nowadays prioritise candidates with a master’s degree because of their expertise and knowledge of the domain. A candidate with a master’s degree often demonstrates an individual commitment to lifelong learning. The most important message a candidate with a master’s degree gives is that they have the necessary skills and experience to succeed in the fast-growing industry.

In-depth knowledge of the emerging industry trends

As technology is constantly evolving with new improvements and developments, the application of data-related insights across industries continues to expand the skills required for success also continues to change. Therefore, in order to stay relevant, professionals must stay abreast of the emerging trends while also developing skills to address them. In such a scenario, undergoing a well-designed data analytics programme can familiarise the students with the emerging trends, such as the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in data analytics and other trends, including:

  • Composable data analytics
  • Data Democratisation
  • Analytics in Edge Computing

These trends are expected to define data analytics in 2022.

Increased job opportunities

Data and information are the two critical resources across various industries; therefore, earning a master’s degree in data analytics can allow employment within sectors that use data. While we talk about industries, it is not only leading IT giants and software companies that need data analytics professionals, but data experts are needed in finance and banking, healthcare, retail, transport, finance, and virtually every domain.

There are diverse job roles offered in the data analytics domain. With a master’s in data analytics, a candidate can take on the following job roles:

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Visualisation Specialist
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Architect
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Business Intelligence Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • Analytics Manager

These are some benefits of earning pursuing an MSc degree in data analytics. Besides these benefits there is a huge demand for data analytics experts as companies are becoming more dependent on data science for establishing better business understanding, data understanding, preparation, modelling, evaluation, and deployment. This means there will be ample opportunity for graduates to find a rewarding position within the fast-growing field of data analytics.

Hence, an MSc in data analytics programme can be a good investment for a future career.

This article was written by Vinisha Prasad.