Business logistics has established itself as the foundation of any industry today. Organizations and businesses adjust their procedures according to the trends occurring and technologies introduced. Technological changes have tremendous impacts in every industry, and logistics is no different. The logistics industry has much to gain from these advancements due to manual processes and data storage methods. In this digital transformation age, logistics has again taken a shift towards enhancement. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, RFID tagging, and robotic warehousing give better tracking and monitoring. The technologies also contribute to the rise of big data analysis for better prediction of various fields. These technologies, coupled with multiple data sources, allow businesses to optimize their logistics chain and improve efficiency improvement patterns.

8 Logistics Technology Solutions

As technology develops and the new era draws close, companies must adapt to logistics changes. Customers now admire businesses that promote transparency to view the status of their orders at every point. As the olden logistics shift towards the internet age, logistics experts need to understand these eight technological solutions. These technological innovations in improving business logistics include:

Automation Processes

Automation of processes offers various solutions for the logistics sector by using data-driven software for efficiency. From advanced packaging to labeling and making the warehouse system streamlined, you have multiple options to automate processes. Automated logistics reduces the need for a human workforce to operate a set of operations. Automation also impacts customer experience by reducing the time needed between ordering and fulfillment. Besides order fulfillment, automation also leads to better inventory and improved order tracking. With smart automation processes, you have better information to make decisions and improve logistics procedures.

Autonomous Transports

Autonomous transportation has become an evolved trend in recent years. There is still some time before transportation becomes automatic within a global setting. The pattern of self-driving transportation has not moved as fast as other automation technologies. Business logistics have seen remarkable results in self-driving vehicles due to low regulations and controllable settings. Many logistics operations have employed auto forklifts or driverless plant trucks with innovations like route-based driving or mileage tracker. Such innovations like the mileage tracker allow companies to maintain cost-effectiveness and measure optimum productivity. While it may seem that driverless vehicles are not very common, automatic highways will be foreseeable soon. Automated logistics will drastically improve delivery and experience for customers and businesses alike.

Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality

The logistics industry has started to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its processes. AI helps in various procedures like route planning, smart transportation, or demand planning integrations. From delivery robots to automatic warehouse picking and predictive software, AI has impacted business logistics. Augmented reality, in combination with AI, has also started to make its mark in the industry. Augmented technology combines AI with human intelligence to give a real-time simulation of current conditions. For instance, logistics planning combines input from human planners and leaves hard and tedious work to AI. In this way, AI becomes superior to AI automated processes. The business logistics industry is set to adopt artificial intelligence and augmented methods to reduce errors and increase efficiency.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing applications provide vast, efficient, and potentially flexible options for the industry. In business logistics, cloud computing always comes before any other step of ordering or shipping. The critical factors of cloud computing growth potential include security, reliability, backup, and privacy. Cloud computing help make operations of global shipping more accessible to online and user-friendly dashboards. Cloud computing also allows logistics companies to gather data for analysis and forecasting better outcomes. Cloud computing applications use smart processes to cut costs, enhance transparency, and satisfy today’s customers’ growing demands.

Usage of Drones

The use of drone technology has influenced several industrial, military, and logistical applications. Drones have many promising applications that can enhance the processes of logistics and grow the business. The growth of logistics has become dependent on drones’ use for faster delivery of goods. It has become one of the most crucial aspects. As an estimate, the drone logistic market will grow to USD 11.20 billion by 2022. North America will become the central hub of this technology by 2027. Drones can deliver goods swiftly and in every location. It includes densely populated urban areas to rural sites. Both established companies and startups have eagerly involved themselves in establishing their niche in the market.

Internet of Things

IoT is a system that allows the integration of devices to connect to other internet-based systems and devices. Today, business logistics use IOT in several ways that include humidity sensors for quality control or detection of tampered packages. The logistics sector has actively adapted IoT into its operations because of its efficiency enhancement capability. Since 2012, IoT has seen a rise of around 333% in deployments. It shows the massive potential of the technology that it offers to the logistics sector.

Warehouse Robotics

Warehouse robotics is by far the fastest and progressively integrated logistic technology today. Warehouse robotics provides a small footprint, long-reaching vision system that enables all operations to automate themselves completely. These activities range from unloading trucks, pallet building, or sorting of goods. Whether it is about driverless transportation or multipurpose operations, robotics brings better efficiency to warehouse facilities. Combined with machine learning and AI, robotics ensure extreme accuracy and tracking. Modern warehouses have started the inclusion of robotics to base their operations on smart robotic technology in their daily operations.


Since its initiation in 2008, blockchain has become one of the biggest technology trends, significantly influencing business logistics. Despite its complicated nature that makes it challenging for the general public, the logistics industry has gained better development. As blockchain has high transparency, it impacts the supply chain in all aspects, from the point of origin to final delivery. Blockchain covers all the necessary areas of logistics that need trust, reliability, and integrity. Without a central entity, businesses can handle all the complex processes associated with blockchain processes. They can synchronize all the data across the network along with transactions. It enables high cross-checking and redundancy for handlers and has made various cryptocurrencies so reliable.

Final Word

The business logistics sector has come a long way from using obscure and manual processes to fully automated technologies. These technological developments have given significant convenience in tracing and completing the supply chain process. Businesses worldwide have started to adopt various solutions for different stages and areas within the supply chain and logistics. There is a likely chance of seeing an optimization throughout the supply chain. However, the true nature and effect are unknown; businesses have started to reap the benefits by including them in various operations.