Keeping the buildings cool remains a big challenge and rakes up electricity bills during summers for houses and offices alike. While you have a range of cooling options for the buildings, few come close to offering the same kind of lifespan and durability as glazed vitrified cool roof tiles.

Here’s everything you should know about cool roof tiles and why this could be your go-to solution to building cool houses and offices.

What is a Cool Roof SRI Tile?

Cool Roof Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) tiles are glazed vitrified tiles designed to reflect sunlight and heat away from buildings, contributing to improved energy efficiency and reduced cooling costs. The Solar Reflectance Index is a measurement that quantifies the ability of a surface to reflect solar heat.

SRI is a numerical value that takes into account two important factors:

  • Solar Reflectance (SR): This measures the ability of a material to reflect sunlight. The higher the solar reflectance value, the more sunlight is reflected away, reducing heat absorption.
  • Thermal Emittance (TE): This measures the ability of a material to release absorbed heat. Materials with high thermal emittance radiate heat effectively.

The SRI value combines the two factors and provides a single metric for assessing the roofing material’s ability to stay cool in the sun. The SRI scale ranges from 0 to 100, where a standard black surface has an SRI of 0 (absorbs all heat), and a standard white surface has an SRI of 100 (reflects all heat).

Cool Roof SRI tiles typically have high solar reflectance and thermal emittance values, resulting in a high SRI value (75% and above).

Apart from glazed vitrified tiles materials, including asphalt shingles, metal roofing, concrete tiles, and thermal coatings, also offer these features. But, GVTs are more modular and easier to handle and install.

Advantages of Cool Roof Tiles

Using cool roof SRI tiles can have several benefits, such as reducing the urban heat island effect, lowering cooling costs, extending the lifespan of the roof, and contributing to overall building energy efficiency. These tiles are particularly popular in regions with hot climates where reducing heat absorption is crucial for occupant comfort and environmental sustainability.

1. Energy Efficiency

Cool roof tiles are engineered with high solar reflectance to bounce off sunlight and high thermal emittance to radiate absorbed heat. This dual design reduces the tile’s heat absorption and transfers less warmth into the building. Cool roofs keep the roof and interiors cooler by reflecting more sunlight and emitting absorbed heat efficiently.

This process lowers indoor temperatures, lessens the need for air conditioning, and contributes to energy savings. With reduced heat transfer, these tiles create a more comfortable environment while minimising cooling costs, making them a key element in energy-efficient building strategies.

2. Lower Energy Costs

Cool roof tiles can notably slash cooling costs by diminishing air conditioning demands. These tiles absorb less heat due to their reflective nature, leading to a cooler interior. Homeowners and businesses can reap substantial energy savings. On average, potential savings range from 10% to 30% for residences and even higher for commercial spaces.

Cool roofs tiles foster comfortable environments and yield considerable financial benefits due to reduced strain on cooling systems. Thus, cool roof SRI tiles are a wise investment for energy-conscious individuals and enterprises.

3. Extended Roof Lifespan

Cool roofs encounter reduced thermal stress due to their capacity to reflect sunlight, minimising heat absorption. This quality translates to fewer expansions and contractions in the roofing materials caused by temperature fluctuations. Consequently, the tiles experience less wear and tear over time.

Thus, these tiles enjoy a prolonged lifespan by preventing the excessive strain caused by heat-related stress. This avoidance of thermal strain contributes to their ability to maintain their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal, resulting in a longer-lasting and durable roofing solution.

4. Reduced Urban Heat Island Effect

Urban areas experience higher temperatures for a longer period compared to their surrounding rural regions due to human activities, dense buildings, and heat-absorbing surfaces like concrete and asphalt. This phenomenon leads to increased energy consumption, heat-related health risks, and higher air conditioning demand.

Cool roof tiles combat the heat island effect by reflecting sunlight and reducing heat absorption. This mitigation strategy helps lower ambient temperatures in urban spaces. It contribute to a cooler urban environment, enhancing comfort, lowering energy use, and mitigating adverse effects on public health and the environment.

5. Environmental Benefits

The environmental impact of reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions cannot be understated. It play a pivotal role in this regard by curbing cooling demands and decreasing the need for fossil fuel-driven energy sources. Cool roof tiles lower carbon emissions and alleviate the strain on power grids by reducing energy consumption.

The reduced greenhouse gas production helps combat global warming and climate change, fostering a more sustainable future. These tiles act as eco-conscious solutions that go beyond immediate energy savings, contributing to a collective effort to minimise environmental harm and create a greener, more resilient planet.

6. Comfort and Liveability

Buildings using cool roof tiles feature increased indoor comfort due to the lower temperatures inside them. These tiles prevent excessive heat build-up by reflecting sunlight and absorbing less heat. This directly translates to reduced indoor temperatures, creating a more pleasant and comfortable living or working environment.

The cooler indoor spaces alleviate the need for constant air conditioning, preventing discomfort caused by overly hot interiors. Even the terrace floor covered with tiles remains comfortable for barefoot walking under the sun.

Thus, it can contribute to an atmosphere where individuals can thrive, relax, and enjoy their indoor spaces without the constraints of excessive heat.

7. Aesthetic Options

Cool roof tiles offer a diverse array of options in terms of colours, styles, and materials. Contrary to concerns about limited design choices, modern tiles provide versatility that aligns with various architectural preferences. Homeowners and builders can choose from an expansive palette, encompassing shades that blend seamlessly with their design visions.

Moreover, these tiles mimic traditional roofing materials like shingles and tiles, ensuring aesthetic compatibility. With an extensive selection, these tiles effortlessly integrate energy efficiency and style, giving you the freedom to optimise their roofs for both performance and visual appeal.

8. Long-Term Savings

Cool roof tiles offer compelling long-term benefits and cost savings. While the initial investment may be slightly higher, the returns are substantial. Reduced energy bills result from decreased cooling needs, delivering consistent savings over the years. Additionally, lower maintenance costs and extended roof lifespan contribute to financial advantages.

Though the upfront cost might seem higher, the long-term returns in the form of energy efficiency, reduced utility bills, and minimised maintenance expenses make these tiles a prudent investment. These tiles embody a holistic approach to sustainability that delivers financial and environmental gains over the lifespan of the building.

Installing Cool Roof Tiles

You can buy cool roof tiles with adequate thickness based on the type of surface you want to install them on. For instance, sloped roofs don’t usually see any footfall or bear weight. So, you can use these tiles with 0.8 cm thickness. However, pavements and outdoor seating areas should feature 1cm or 2cm thick tiles for better strength.

You can also connect with the tile experts at the brand for a more customised solution for your energy-efficient buildings.