After getting married, many women decided to stop pursuing their careers and become full-time housewife. At first, this might feel great, and releasing all the fatigue in the office seems like the right choice. However, those who are used to working might not feel at ease for long.

After all, they are used to the daily grind. Work challenges that make them have to wrack their brain, and many other things that may seem stressful – but can also be the things that they miss after giving up their jobs to become full-fledged housewives.

Becoming a housewife often means sacrificing potential income from employment in order to focus on tending to household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, shopping for groceries and running errands. If possible, try setting aside money prior so that when you make the switch from working outside of home full time back into being at home all day long will be less stressful financially speaking.

Become a Housewife

How Does She Feel?

Are you planning to quit your job and be a full-time stay-at-home mom? If so, you come to the right place! Read on below to know what are the most frequent feelings that career women turn housewives often face after saying goodbye to their employment.

1. Boredom

The first and ultimate thing you might certainly feel is boredom. When you are working, every day you will need to interact with lots of people. You will communicate with your coworkers, meet clients, and casually spend your daily grind by meeting lots of new people. But when you decide to stop working, you might suddenly have to do the same routine every day. Taking care of your little one, cleaning the house, and so on. This continuous routine, not to mention – not being able to interact with people other than your family will make you feel bored eventually.

2. Lonely

Apart from being bored, you may also feel lonely. Usually, you interact with your co-workers, talking about lots of things – not only related to work but also personal nitty gritty. But now, your time will only consist of you staying at home with your little one when your husband is away at work.

When you don’t have any people to talk to aside from your small family, this might make you feel lonely and sad. Thus, it is important to note that deciding to stop working does not mean that you can’t socialize at all. You can still build social interaction even though you choose to be a full-time housewife.

3. Loss of Independence

You might also experience a loss of independence after you don’t have your source of income. Now, you can find it challenging to fulfill all your desires and have to rely solely on your husband. This might be uncomfortable, especially if you are accustomed to earning and having your own money. As a result, you might feel restricted to purchasing things you desire or want.

Therefore, if you’re planning to become a stay-at-home wife after marriage, it’s advisable to prepare well in advance. Start saving from your income before you leave your job, so you can use this money as capital for future ventures or insurance in the future. You should also discuss this with your partner. Being open, especially about financial situations, is a must in any household.

How to Deal with Stress After Deciding to Become a Full-Time Housewife?

Many career women who decide to become housewives experience stress for various reasons. The transition from being a career woman who is active in the world of work to being a housewife can be very challenging. These changes can trigger feelings of uncertainty, loss of identity, and drastic changes in daily routines. Not to mention some women may also feel regretful of saying goodbye to the career they have built over the years.

Overall, the stress experienced by career women who decide to become housewives can be varied. But what’s important is, you need to have proper support and find the best way to deal with this stressor.

For career women who decide to become housewives, here are some steps to help deal with stress effectively!

1. Talk About Your Feelings

It is important to talk openly with your partner or close friend about the feelings of stress you are experiencing. This is important because sharing your feelings can help reduce emotional baggage.

Aside from that, when you are willing to talk about your feelings; it also means that you should not hesitate to ask for help if you are feeling overwhelmed.

2. Build Routines

Establishing daily routines can help create structure in your life. This includes setting time for household chores, time with the kids, and time for yourself. To build routines, you can start by making a list of things that you need to tackle each day. Based on this list, you can create a complete daily schedule. Having the daily schedule on hand will help increase your productivity and time management for the better!

3. Show Love to Yourself

Showing love to yourself can be done by setting aside time to do activities that you enjoy. This could be reading, taking a walk, meditating, or doing whatever things that can make you feel happy. You should also show yourself some love by splurging and shopping once in a while.

Indeed, being mindful of spending is important, and one of the great characteristics of reliable housewives. But it does not mean that you have to diminish your needs and wants, to prioritize your family. Once in a while, it is okay to show appreciation and love to yourself by purchasing new outfits, skincare products, or whatever things that you’ve been wanting or needing.

Transitioning from a working woman to a full-time housewife can present various challenges. To navigate these changes, you need to establish open communication with your husband about your feelings and find the best solutions to deal with them. Remember that every individual is different, so it’s important to find a strategy that works for you to cope with the stress of being a stay-at-home mom after being a full-time career woman.