If you spend most of your evenings slumped on a couch with chips in one hand and the remote in the other, you probably know that your fitness game is not on point. While some habits are usually accepted as unhealthy, there are other everyday behaviors that may seem unsuspecting, but in reality, maybe damaging your health. Some of these habits can be harmful to your kidneys.

There are many common factors and habits that may trigger the damage to your kidneys. For instance, you may go hours without drinking water or emptying your bladder. You may do these things without realizing that they can damage your kidneys and, and the worst part is that the damage mostly goes unnoticed until it’s too late.

However, you don’t have to fret because I have curated a list of factors that trigger kidney disease.

Excessive amount of sugar intake

It’s probably quite obvious that your morning doughnut and that milkshake on your desk are overloaded with sugar. But those extra doses of sugar can be hidden in some surprising places. For instance, it can lurk in your sandwich bread and even your salad dressing.

Too much intake of sugar can result in issues like obesity and diabetes, both of which are risk factors for kidney disease. Cutting down sugar from your diet can contain the risk for obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease. If you limit your intake of the processed sugars, you’re also likely to lose calories, and the harmful chemicals. Your waistline and your kidneys will definitely thank you for it.

Using painkillers for a prolonged period

Prolonged use of some painkiller medicines, particularly at high doses, presents a harmful impact on kidney structures and tissues. Both prescription and over-the-counter pain relief medicines can reduce blood flow to the kidneys and cause damage.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) can be the main culprit, in this case. As many as 1-3% of new cases of chronic kidney failure each year may be caused by the overuse of painkillers.

Lighting up too frequently

If no amount caution has prompted you to kick the habit of lighting up, then here’s a piece of information you should know – this habit can severely damage your kidneys. Smokers are highly likely to have protein in their urine which indicates kidney damage.

Diseases that affect the kidneys, like hypertension or diabetes, are also worsened by smoking, and smokers are more likely to undergo dialysis or kidney transplants.

Having itchy and dry skin

Healthy kidneys carry out many vital functions. They purge out wastes and extra fluid from your body, help generate red blood cells, keep bones strong and enable you to maintain the right amount of minerals in your blood.

Dry and itchy skin can be a sign of the mineral and bone disease that often contributes to advanced kidney disease. When you suffer from bone disease, your kidneys are no longer able to maintain the right balance of nutrients and minerals in your blood.

Lack of adequate sleep

Your life may be hectic, but you simply can’t undermine the importance of a good amount of sleep. You may already know that at least six to eight hours of sleep per day is vital for the overall health. When you sleep, the organ tissues are regenerated. And when you don’t get a sufficient amount of sleep, it will interrupt the renewal process of the tissues, which results in damage to your kidneys and other organs.

Some studies reveal that sleepless nights can cause hypertension as well as more atherosclerosis. This, in turn, elevates the chance of kidney disease. Even if you have to do perfect essay, homeworks, manual tasks or extra shifts in jobs, try to maintain a good sleep habit.

Eating too much meat

Animal protein helps accumulate high amounts of acid in the blood that can be hazardous to the kidneys and cause acidosis, a condition in which kidneys cannot eliminate acid quick enough.

Protein is essential for growth, repair and upkeep of different parts of the body, but your diet should be well balanced with fruits and vegetables.

Not drinking enough water

The most significant function of our kidneys is to eliminate and filter toxins and waste from our blood. If we don’t consume sufficient water, toxins and waste materials can build up, affecting our kidneys. WebMD recommends that you must consume water with every meal and also whenever you are thirsty.

Consuming plenty of water is also one of the surest ways to avert painful kidney stones. For most people, consuming at least 1.5 to 2 litres (3 to 4 pints) of water per day is a healthy target to maintain.

Maintaining an improper diet and limiting the sodium intake

Your diet plays a rather crucial role in maintaining your overall health and vital internal organs. Eating whole grain and fresh food will ensure your kidney functions smoothly. To avoid kidney ailments, make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and less salt. You must also avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, fat, and too much animal protein or oily foods.

Large quantities of sodium can elevate blood pressure levels. Hypertension degenerates the kidneys over time and is the prime cause of kidney failure. The pertinent way lower your dietary salt intake is by following the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet. A high salt intake, along with obesity is a recipe for disaster.

Parting thoughts,

Now that you have gathered significant knowledge on the possible triggers of kidney disease, you need to make positive lifestyle changes to counter it. In such cases, it’s always wise to consult with a physician who will guide you on the proper preventive measures.