Remote working is a phenomenon that is gaining popularity throughout the globe. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the module became widely known as people were told to work from home. However, industries such as the IT industry were already benefiting from this module.

One thing has become evident that remote working is here to stay for the foreseeable future. As more businesses are now adopting remote working, they now realize its potential. They now understand the benefits that the module is offering. However, there is still a debate about remote team vs. in-office team module.

Remote Team vs In-Office Team

Remote team and in-office team both modules have their own pros and cons, and in this article, we will be discussing them thoroughly. This way, it will help you understand which one is better for your business. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into difference between remote team vs in-office team.

In-office Team Module

The onsite or in-house team model entails recruiting employees to work on your projects and meet their needs. This model is standard as it provides managers with a high degree of trust and supervision. Let’s go over the pros and cons that the model has.


Sensitive data is secure

The confidential data of the business is much safer in comparison with the remote working model. There is a lesser chance that the data is leaked. However, there are still chances that it is vulnerable to attacks.

No Communication Barriers

Communication plays a crucial role in the success of any business. In comparison with the remote working model, the in-office model has the upper hand in communication. The ability to have a human-to-human interaction stops having any sorts of miscommunication or confusion.

Also, the level of trust is much higher as you can communicate in-person with your employees. Any issues or concerns can be resolved there and then only through a meeting.


High overhead costs

There is no question in the fact that this model is much more expensive than remote working. The overheads costs, such as rent, miscellaneous expenses, etc., will be on the business to bear.

Dealing with absentees

Getting a substitute or replacing a resource is much more expensive and time-consuming in this model. It can ultimately affect the entire progress of the project.

Availability to a small pool of talent

Some jobs require specialists or people with experience in that area. Filling that position for an office job can be challenging as you have a small pool of talent to choose from. You would have to look for someone that is within the radius of the location of your job. Many people would not be willing to move or switch to a new place.

Remote Team Model

Remote working is pretty common in the IT industry. It is when some or all of your operations are outsourced to a team in a remote location. You can hire dedicated remote teams or even an individual as per your need. This model became popular during the Covid-19 as people were working remotely courtesy of the lockdown. The model offers a ton of benefits but has some drawbacks as well.


Increases productivity

Remote working has proven to make the labor force much more productive contrary to what many employers fear. They take less time to complete a particular project more efficiently. There are many statistics to back this up. The ease and feasibility help employees to choose the hours in which they are most productive.

Access to the global pool of talent.

Filling an in-house position is way too difficult in comparison with a remote position. For an in-house position, you only have a small pool to choose from. And it can be challenging to pick the right as you would not be able to find the person with the proper qualification. But remote working enables you to hire any individual from any part of the world. It gives you the freedom to hire anyone from any part of the world as you don’t have to worry about their location. Also, there is a possibility that the individual would have a lower salary expectation.

Reduces overheads

One of the key takeaways of remote working is that it is cost-effective. It saves from a lot of overheads that you would have to incur in an office. Costs such as rent, utility bills, stationery, furniture. etc., has to be incurred by the company for its in-house employees. However, employing a remote workforce for a project or a long-term operation will cut expenses next to nothing.

Personnel numbers are being decreased.

This would be significant because it eliminates the necessity to find a larger workplace and equip them. You simply recruit a dedicated team and collaborate with that team regardless of the venue.

Changing the team is easy.

Although hiring a new team is never an easy task, it is much easier to hire a remote employee than an in-house employee. There are no contracts, and it is much cheaper to find other remote resources.


Difficulties in managing

It is much easier to manage an in-house team by simply hiring a project manager. That is not the case with remote working. However, there are many tools/software where you can assign a task to the relevant person. That way, you don’t have to micromanage each of your employees.

Cultural Differences

Your team might be composed of people from different backgrounds. Therefore, they might find it difficult to get along with each other. However, it can be the other way around as well. It might result in new ideas coming up because of the cultural mix.

Final Takeaway: Which One Is Better?

By the end of this article, you would have the question which one is better? In other words, which one is a winner? There are no losers or winners in the comparison of remote team vs. in-office team. Each method is appropriate for a variety of situations and requirements.

It would be much more convenient and cost-effective for a new startup to hire a remote team. You can expand the size of the team as per your requirement and the growth of the business. And if you feel the need, then you can have an in-house team as well.

For a company that is already in business for some time, it can afford to have a team at a specific location. But then again, cutting down on costs is one of the main objectives of any company. So, hiring a remote team would help save the company a lot of bucks.

With time, businesses are looking for developers to design and build websites and apps. And hiring an in-house developer can be costly. On the other hand, you can hire a remote team of developers and get the job done in a much more efficient and cost-effectively manner. Let’s make it much easier for you by referring to you as Aspired. The remote agency has been providing top-notch services to its clients.