Parenting can be a challenging and rewarding experience. One of the most important things to remember is that you are your child’s first teacher, so it is up to you to teach them about how life works.

We will share simple rules for responsible parenting that will help ensure your child has the best possible chance in life!

What is responsible parenting?

Responsible parenting is the practice of raising children in a way that allows them to become responsible adults. This includes teaching them how to behave appropriately, making sure they are safe and healthy and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in life.

Responsible parenting can be difficult, but it’s worth it. You want to provide your children with the best chance of being happy and successful, right?

Simple rules for responsible parenting

Responsible parenting can be confusing because there are so many things to consider and it is hard to know what should come first. Some simple rules will go a long way in parenting your child responsibly and you don’t need an advanced degree or years of experience to use them; anyone who wants their children to grow up healthily, safely, and successfully can follow these tips.

1. Be involved in your child’s life

One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to be involved in your child’s life. This means being there for them when they need you, listening to them, and spending time with them. It also means being active in their education and helping them with their homework. Being involved in your child’s life will help build a strong relationship with them, and it will also help them to be successful in life.

Also, be sure to attend your child’s sporting events, school plays, and other activities. This will show them that you support them and are proud of them. In the future, they will appreciate all the time and effort you put into being involved in their life.

2. Be a good role model

Having your children see you as a good role model is one of the best ways to teach them responsibility. Even if you don’t feel like it sometimes, giving off an example that everyone else would want their children to follow is important for instilling good habits and values in your kids.

For example, if you are always late to events, your children will feel like it’s okay for them to do the same thing. You need to make sure that they know this is not a good way of living life and instill in them a sense of responsibility about time.

Be a positive role model by showing gratitude at every opportunity possible – thank people who do something nice for you, and always try to find the good in someone. If you expect your children to be grateful and show appreciation, you need to give them the same example.

3. Establish and set rules

One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to establish and set rules. When your children know what is expected of them, they are likely to behave more responsibly. It’s also important that you enforce these rules consistently – this will help teach your children that there are consequences for their actions.

Some rules you might set include:

  • No lying

Children should be truthful at all times, and there must always be consequences for telling lies. This is an important value to instill in your child from a young age.

  • Always put things back where they belong

Teach children to clean up their toys so no one trips over them or has to clean up after them later.

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself

It’s important to teach children not to touch other people without permission, so they understand how much space is appropriate when interacting with others.

  • Use nice words 

Your children should learn to say please and thank you, be respectful of others (including adults), etc.

These are just a few examples – you might come up with different rules depending on your child’s age, personality, and specific situation.

4. Make communication a priority

Communication is key in any relationship, and it’s especially important when you’re raising a child. Talk to your kids about what’s going on in their lives, both the good and the bad. Let them know that they can come to you with anything — you want them to feel comfortable talking to you. And be sure to listen to what they say. It helps to show your children that you’re interested in what they have to say.

Speak positively, but also be honest with them. Don’t sugar-coat things or keep secrets from them if something’s wrong — it’ll only lead to more problems down the road. But at the same time, try to focus on the good things they do and remind them of their strengths.

5. Don’t make promises you can’t keep

Making promises to your children is a natural part of parenting, but it pays to be careful about the ones you make because they might come back and haunt you later. If the consequences are too severe or there’s too much risk involved, give yourself some time before making that promise; otherwise, don’t make it at all. This goes for things like bedtimes and chores, too–be realistic about what you can reasonably enforce and don’t set your child up for disappointment or frustration.

It’s important to keep in mind that your child is watching you for cues about how to behave themselves; if you break promises, they’ll learn that it’s okay to do the same.

Putting off making a promise until you’re sure what your response will be is always better than promising and then changing your mind later on. This way, children won’t get their hopes up about something that might not happen or put them in an awkward position if they have already made plans based on it happening.

6. Foster your child’s independence

Independence is a skill that is instrumental in helping your child cope with an adult world. Independently, kids learn how to make decisions and deal with the consequences of those choices.

Do not coddle your children – chances are they will never gain independence if you do all the work for them by doing things like tying their shoelaces or packing their school lunches. Let them try things on their own and make mistakes; it’s how they will learn.

7. Be consistent

This is one of the most important aspects of raising a child. If you are not consistent, your child will never understand what’s expected of him or her. This will cause frustration and stress on both parties. You want to make sure you are consistent in rules, consequences, and praise.

Children want to know what’s expected of them, and they will feel relieved when you’re consistent. It helps with building trust between a parent and child as well.

8. Avoid harsh discipline

There are many different ways to discipline your child, and what works for one family might not work for another.

However, one thing is clear: harsh punishment is never the answer. Hitting, yelling, or shaming your child will only make them feel scared, ashamed, and resentful. Instead of punishing your child, try reasoning with them or providing positive reinforcement when they behave well.

For example, if they are misbehaving in the store, instead of yelling at them to stop or hitting them for their behavior, you can try calmly telling them that they need to stop, and then giving them a hug or a high five when they listen.

9. Treat your child with respect

The number one rule of responsible parenting is to always treat your child with respect. This means never yelling at them, calling them names, or hitting them. It also means listening to them and taking their opinions into account.

Respectful parents are patient and understanding, even when their children make mistakes. In the future, your child will be more likely to behave responsibly if they know that you respect them.

10. Show that your love is unconditional

No matter what your children do, you should always show them that you love them. This means you should never discipline them in anger and you should always try to be there for them when they need you.

This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with everything they do, but it is important to listen and try to understand them. Children will often test their boundaries and it is important to pass every single one of these tests.

It is also good to be protective, although you should never feel like they can’t handle something on their own or that they need your help with everything. You want them to grow up thinking “I am strong enough but I have a loving parent to help me when I need it”, not “I can never do anything on my own”.


There are a few key things that need to be considered when bringing up children. While some of these may not seem obvious, they can make all the difference in how your child grows and matures into an adult responsible enough to take care of themselves. The best thing about being a parent is watching your kids grow from babies with no idea what life is about, into people that you can be proud of.

Make sure to follow these simple rules for responsible parenting, and you’ll be well on your way!