Attracting audiences in this fast-paced, digitalized world is quite challenging. That leads to businesses filtering their content carefully. Due to this, organizations must choose the right product format.

So, what is the correct product format? Let’s take explainer videos for now. Such videos play an important role in grabbing the audience’s attention. With time, these videos have become popular.

Hence, launching your startup without it is not a good decision. However, before starting with explainer videos, you must know the meaning and benefits.

Therefore, let’s take a look at the blog below.

What are Explainer Videos?

An explainer video is a short animated video. It explains multiple types of issues, businesses, products, and services in the simplest way. In simple words, it breaks down the complexities into easy-to-digest ideas.

Furthermore, it allows organizations to convey messages that the audience wants to hear. It can turn a complex theory into a simple one. Moreover, nobody has the time to digest complex content in today’s world patiently. They won’t even sit long to break down theories.

So, explainer videos are the right aid for such audiences. Hence, to enhance the retention rate, an explainer video will help you clarify unfamiliar ideas right away.

Benefits of Explainer Videos for Businesses

explainer videos

Increases Conversion Rates

According to recent study, 85% of people are more likely to purchase a product after watching an explainer video. Such videos are ideal for those who want to display their product/service to a mass market. These videos increase the understanding level of audiences by showing the benefits and features.

Startups can turn their web visitors into potential customers in no time. So, a simple product demonstration video can lure many audiences out there. However, the video must be compelling enough. It should be free of complexities.

Significantly Increases Website Traffic

Implementing videos significantly increases website traffic. The traffic is the most important factor behind the success of an online business. A business with no website viewers will diminish in the long run.

Furthermore, Google prefers websites with videos. By integrating a top-notch video on your page, you will witness a spike in organic traffic. Moreover, there’s a 50% chance of search engine users finding your site. In addition, interesting videos retain users for a longer time.

Thus, that will boost your search engine rankings and organic traffic. Remember, the viewers you receive from search engines are highly targeted ones. They will instantly buy your product if it adds value to them.

Makes Your Product or Services More Clear

People can’t easily misinterpret explainer videos. A clear message leads to fewer misinterpretations. The audience won’t have any misinterpretation regarding your product or service. That thing is entirely opposite to your website’s text.

For instance, while reading a text on your site, some may misinterpret a phrase or sentence. That leads to confusion and they become doubtful about taking action. But, a short explainer video displays the product’s concepts, benefits and features in a simple way.

You can easily connect with customers via startup explainer videos. Your audience would love to get the solution from your videos itself.

Video Content Evokes Emotions

Video content evokes much more emotions than a simple text. Users will gather more feelings by watching a video rather than reading a story. For instance, watching a cooking show enhances the taste buds. Hence, when people see what they desire, they are more likely to purchase it soon.

Moreover, placing a video on landing page increase conversions by 80%. Many times users don’t understand what they want until they see it. A video format defines an objective the right way.

Adding videos to your web pages will help you reap benefits. No wonder videos will continue to dominate the online industry in the long run. Explainer videos are the reason behind business growth.

Audiences Can Easily Retain Information

A whopping 90% of information transmitted over bran is visual. Visuals are processed 60 times more faster in the brain than reading text. This thing reveals that human brain is capable of retaining visual information for a long time.

Videos can help you create value for audiences. They like retain details through visuals rather than text. With this, they will remember each and every detail of your product/service. Thus, by providing video, you are enabling them to learn all about your business offering.

Enhancing Brand Personality

Online businesses demonstrate their product features through explainer videos. A good brand personality increases sales. Explainer videos enable the development of brand personality. And that influences more prospects.

The video’s characters, story, and animations enhance brand personality and image. Besides the personality, explainer videos also make brand associations. The characters used in videos connect with people every day. Hence, by enhancing brand personality, you get more potential audience.

Concluding Thoughts

Finally, these are the reasons why explainer videos are the need of the hour. Hence, it is essential to have your own explainer video. That will help you greatly in your business growth. A high-quality video builds trust and credibility. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!