Mobile apps and Web apps are a concept existing since the inception of smartphones. However, still, it is quite confusing for a few people to distinguish between the both. Thus, we are targeting the issue and explaining the difference between both concepts in simple terms.

To put it simply, mobile apps are the traditional way of using different features on smartphones. You need to install the app to use its features. On the other hand, Web Apps are more flexible and do not require any installation to work.

Mobile Apps vs Web Apps

mobile apps vs web apps

Now, without further ado, let’s discuss a few other differences between Mobile Apps vs Web Apps!

Internet connection

One of the basic differences between mobile apps and web apps is the internet requirement. Many mobile apps are designed to provide their features even without an internet connection. For instance- Google maps lets you download your preferred maps online so you never get lost.

Web Apps are solely based on the internet. Thus, not only the internet is required- but you also need a stable internet connection to support all of its features. The more features you want in an app, the faster the internet connection you need. So choose the best internet service provider for faster connection.


Mobile apps are capable of offering more features as they do not require an internet connection. Thus, with the one-time download, the user can use these features as long as they want. In the case of Web Apps, the limitation is again, the internet connection. Due to being dependent on data usage, users might want to get their tasks done without having to spend a lot of data. However, it also depends on the target market and the average internet speed of the area. For instance- the Internet is faster in the US compared to India. Thus, the US market has more exposure for extra features in Web Apps.


Obviously, mobile apps are costlier to build compared to web apps. The reason is that Web Apps do not separate development for each device. But mobile apps are either hybrid or native. Native mobile apps are dedicated to one operating system. For instance- Android or iOS. These apps are also able to offer more features. But Hybrid apps can run on iOS and Android devices. But it causes a limitation in their features. Now, to cover the market with multiple types of operating systems, web app development is cheaper and faster.

Loading Time

In any digital business, be it based on the website or mobile apps, loading time directly impacts the user experience. Thus, You should hire an expert to improve loading time and try to keep it as minimal as possible. In the case of mobile apps, it is possible to make them load faster compared to Web Apps all the time.

However, the loading speed of mobile apps is also dependent on the smartphone OS version, hardware configuration, and more. But compared to Web Apps, as they require the fastest internet connection always to load faster, mobile apps have a better loading time on average.

You can minimize delays in loading content by choosing the best CDN service provider for your app.


Compared to Web Apps, mobile apps lead the market in this segment as well. Due to many factors like internet, speed, and more- mobile apps are being used more than Web Apps. The reason, as we discussed earlier, is simple- the internet. Not every country has cheap data packs for them to use Web Apps all the time. But mobile apps are able to serve countries with cheap internet prices, and expensive internet rates.

Pros and Cons of the Mobile apps vs Web Apps

Now, before winding up the blog for good, let’s summarize the pros and cons of both types of mobile apps in short.

Mobile apps

Web Apps

  • Faster loading time
  • Less data consumption
  • Availability even without the internet
  • Greater market coverage
  • Cheaper to use
  • More features
  • Cheaper and faster to develop
  • Gets updated without making users wait
  • Works well with fast internet
  • Less maintenance headache
  • Expensive to develop
  • Maintenance is costly
  • Requires separate installations
  • Frequent updates that need to be installed
  • Requires internet connection all time to use
  • Not suitable for emergencies
  • Consume the majority of the data
  • Expensive to use for long term
  • Causes glitches with slow internet

Conclusion – Winner between Mobile apps vs Web Apps

In the time that we live in, mobile apps have more exposure to growth in the market compared to Web Apps due to their reach, expandability, and features. Thus, especially for new businesses, mobile apps are a better alternative. It will not only result in growing the popularity of the brand, but mobile apps can also help in offering services and products to more people. Now, even when there are more than three billion mobile users in the world- not everyone has stable access to the internet.

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