Until very recently, mental health was dismissed as being secondary to physical health, with help being difficult to access and, in the case of electro-convulsive therapy and lobotomies, often invasive […]
Category: Health & Fitness
Now more than ever, we are searching for creative ways to exercise within our homes. It’s important to stay fit and healthy – which is why we’ve put together some […]
The joints are one of the most punished parts of the body. The health of the joints depends largely on eating habits and our way of life. Therefore, there are […]
If you have ongoing back pain, one of the best things you can do for your body is to go see a physical therapist. Physical therapy uses a variety of […]
People always aim to be better versions of themselves, but only some are willing to make an effort. Focusing on self-improvement can be challenging, but that doesn’t mean it’s not […]
You have weight issues and want to lose fat. Then, did you know that the quality of your sleep has an important effect on your weight? It is as essential […]
Do you want to have a quiet dinner? You turn on the Wii. Do you need to work? You put games on the tablet. Do you need to be calm or talk with your […]
If you spend most of your evenings slumped on a couch with chips in one hand and the remote in the other, you probably know that your fitness game is […]
There is good news for the 33 million Americans who are with lower back pain. Following of these lifestyle habits can prevent back pain and help you stay away from […]
I have always prioritized my work over everything. I repeat, EVERYTHING. It was only after I was diagnosed with diabetes that I realized that NOTHING comes before health. In a […]
Wrinkles and fine lines are our ultimate nemesis as we age. And it seems like no matter how much we invest in bringing back the old days where we’re effortlessly […]
We all want to stay fit and healthy and we so all possible things to achieve this goal. But unfortunate reality of modernist lifestyle and food is that it doesn’t […]